
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ginger Tea: Stats! I have them.

I interrupt your day to be a dorkpie about my own blogstats. That's right folks, I have them! I didn't think I was reaching many people - but according to Blogger I have reached 97 people in the states, 6 in the UK, 3 in Canada, 2 in Russia, and 1 in Singapore. To those blog veterans out there this may not seem like much, but it's enough to brighten my day!

I just wanted to come in and do a little happy dance and say Thank You for reading! Say hello next time you stop by!

I now return you to your regularly scheduled day :)


  1. haha, love this!! and, your banner is amazing!!!! i love it! :)

  2. You also have a reader from Italy!!! ^_^

  3. YAY indeed for Stats! I've just popped in from Australia, liking the pretty images on your blog!



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